Choosing the Right Monogamous Relationship Style for You

Monogamous relationships are romantic relationships where both partners commit to being exclusive with each other. There are different styles of monogamous relationships that people can choose from, depending on their preferences and needs. In this article, we will explore some of the different styles of monogamous relationships and how to choose the right one for you.

Understanding Monogamous-Relationships

monogamous relationship

Monogamous relationships are built on trust, commitment, and respect. Both partners agree to be exclusive with each other and to work on building a strong, healthy relationship together. Monogamous relationships are often seen as the traditional form of a romantic relationship and are still the most common type of relationship in many cultures.

Different Styles of Monogamous-Relationships

monogamous relationship

There are different styles of monogamous relationships that people can choose from, depending on their preferences and needs. Here are some of the most common types of monogamous-relationships:

Strict Monogamy

Strict monogamy is the most common form of a monogamous relationship. In this style, both partners agree to be exclusive with each other and to not have any sexual or romantic relationships with other people. Strict monogamy is based on the idea that both partners should be committed to each other and work on building a strong, healthy relationship together.

Emotional Monogamy

monogamous relationship

Emotional monogamy is a type of monogamous relationship where both partners agree only to have romantic and emotional connections with each other. While sexual intimacy is allowed, emotional intimacy is reserved for the primary partner only. This style of monogamy is ideal for those who want to prioritize emotional intimacy and connection over physical intimacy.

Open Monogamy

Open monogamy is a type of monogamous relationship where both partners agree to have sexual or romantic relationships with other people, but only with each other’s consent. This style of monogamy is ideal for those who want to explore their sexuality while maintaining a strong and committed relationship with their primary partner.


Polyfidelity is a type of monogamous relationship where both partners agree to be exclusive with each other and to have sexual or romantic relationships with other people, but only as a group. This style of monogamy is ideal for those who want to explore their sexuality in a group setting while maintaining a strong and committed relationship with their primary partner.

Choosing the Right Monogamous Relationship Style for You

When it comes to choosing the right monogamous relationship style for you, it’s important to consider your preferences, needs, and values. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Communicate with your partner

Communication is key when it comes to choosing the right monogamous relationship style for you. Talk to your partner about your needs, preferences, and values, and be open to hearing theirs as well.

Consider your values

Think about what is important to you in a relationship. Do you value emotional intimacy over physical intimacy? Are you comfortable with the idea of your partner being intimate with other people? Understanding your values can help you choose the right monogamous-relationship style for you.

Be honest with yourself

It’s important to be honest with yourself about what you want and need in a relationship. Don’t try to fit into a monogamous-relationship style that doesn’t align with your values or preferences.

Take it slow

Choosing the right monogamous-relationship style for you takes time and patience. Don’t rush into a relationship or a type of monogamy you’re uncomfortable with.

Be open to change

Your preferences and needs may change over time, and that’s okay. Be open to exploring different styles of monogamy as you grow and evolve in your relationship. Learn about: Ready to take the next step? Don’t move in together until you’ve asked these 10 crucial relationship questions.